Backup & Restore

An important feature of GymACE is the ability to back up your database so you do not have to worry about losing all the records of your hard work. On Android devices, the database is backed up on Google Drive, on Windows PCs, Microsoft OneDrive is used.

To use the backup feature, first connect to Google Drive or OneDrive using your Google or Microsoft account credentials. Click on the 'Connect' button in the menu area Database. Then tap the 'Backup' button and the database will be uploaded to the cloud.

When backing up, GymACE automatically selects a file name based on the current date and time. If you do this frequently (which you should), you will sooner or later have many backup files in your cloud folder. Since the file sizes are not very large, this should not be a problem. However, if it bothers you, you can automatically delete all but the most recent backup file by selecting "Delete old backup files".

To restore a database, first select the date and time of the backup file from the list, then tap the 'Restore' button. Note that restoring a database completely overwrites the currently used database.


With the export function you can export all saved sets as a comma separated value (CSV) file, which can be imported into any spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Separate files for strength exercises and cardio exercises are created, which you can find in the "GymACE" folder in the cloud.

It is also possible to export a database file to a local folder and import it from there. Use this feature, either to back up your data without using a cloud service, or to move the database from one platform to another, for example from Windows to Android.


If you think your database has become too big and you want to remove old data, you can do so on the Purge tab. It also gives you information about how many sets and sessions are currently stored in the database.

Select a date and all dates before this date will be deleted. By default, the date of the oldest session is selected. This means that no data will be deleted unless you choose a newer date.